Funny Farm Better Late Than Never

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(CNN) Better late than never ( divider line


More: Cool, Virginia, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Chesapeake Bay, Rappahannock Tribe, Rappahannock River, tribe's reacquisiton, G. Anne Richardson, Tribe

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8015 clicks; posted to Politics » on 03 Apr 2022 at 3:26 PM (11 weeks ago)   | Favorite |   share:  Share on Twitter share via Email Share on Facebook

Good. However the white man will figure out a way to take it away again, because that's how it's always worked.

So we're cool now, right?

Good news, we are returning to you 465 vertical acres of cliff face

Jake Havechek: Good. However the white man will figure out a way to take it away again, because that's how it's always worked.

Ha casual racism

Here come the dozers and the casino plans.

Brick by brick, acre by acre, the legal system is giving America back to the Native Americans. Which will be great for them to profit from when they sell off to the Chinese or other investors.

Sexy Jesus: Here come the dozers and the casino plans.

Yes, God forbid they try to develop and commercialize their land, make some money, get out of poverty, improve their standard of living, and send their kids to good schools and create generational affluence and prosperity. We can't have that.

No, they should be shuttered into inner city ghettos (or rural shiatholes) where they are cut off, underfunded, forgotten, neglected, and blocked from all opportunities for advancement, improvement, and wealth generation. Like Real American Minorities.

Ishkur: Sexy Jesus: Here come the dozers and the casino plans.

Yes, God forbid they try to develop and commercialize their land, make some money, get out of poverty, improve their standard of living, and send their kids to good schools and create generational affluence and prosperity. We can't have that.

No, they should be shuttered into inner city ghettos (or rural shiatholes) where they are cut off, underfunded, forgotten, neglected, and blocked from all opportunities for advancement, improvement, and wealth generation. Like Real American Minorities.

How else are Republicans going to feel superior? Actual accomplishments?

Do they get mineral rights?

The way it should be.

I do get a chuckle out of the dirt hill called a cliff though. That's cute...

Generation_D: Brick by brick, acre by acre, the legal system is giving America back to the Native Americans. Which will be great for them to profit from when they sell off to the Chinese or other investors.

I know I'm going to get a vacation for this, but I RTFA.  Looks like they got people/conservation groups to buy up the land and give it to them.  No indication that any legal judgement of returning stolen land was involved.  Last I heard there is at least one tribe that was supposed to own virtually all of Chicago as of the 1990s, fat chance of them getting that.

There isn't likely to be any formal legal recognition for the tribe, as it was pretty much overrun in the initial settlement.  Wiki mentions that thanks to the Virginian apartheid law of 1924, all members were listed as "colored" and any records of Indian heritage weren't kept by the government.

From the sound of it, the biggest change in the legal treatment of various tribes is that the US government has adopted a "[fictional] mafia boss" attitude over the various treaties over the years.  The feds still reserve the  rights to breaking the agreements at will, but expect underlings (i.e. the states and local governments) to adhere to anything not specifically broken by the feds.  This leads to casinos, tax-free shopping, and often pot [in legal states].  But good luck getting land back from the great land thief.


Should have happened a long-ass time ago. But good.

The Sioux will never get the Black Hills back though, because Mt. Rushmore is on that property.

ski9600: Do they get mineral rights?

Hellz no!

Jake Havechek: The Sioux will never get the Black Hills back though, because Mt. Rushmore is on that property.

I would have zero problems with giving it back.

It's an ugly-ass disaster.

Blow it up with dynamite.

"The area, [will be] placed in trust with the Bureau of Indian Affairs"

One part of our government is giving it to another, who will theoretically manage it in the tribe's best interest.

I mean, this is good news, but let's not make it something it isn't.  It's still land owned by the Federal government.

shiate real estate and funny blankets-that's the white man's ways.

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Name_Omitted: "The area, [will be] placed in trust with the Bureau of Indian Affairs"

One part of our government is giving it to another, who will theoretically manage it in the tribe's best interest.

I mean, this is good news, but let's not make it something it isn't.  It's still land owned by the Federal government.

All land is owned by the federal government, isn't it? Or state governments? It's all ultimately under US jurisdiction--otherwise, it'd be a different country.

Name_Omitted: "The area, [will be] placed in trust with the Bureau of Indian Affairs"

Yeah, that wording caught my attention, too.

Generation_D: Brick by brick, acre by acre, the legal system is giving America back to the Native Americans. Which will be great for them to profit from when they sell off to the Chinese or other investors.

It's their land now. They can do as they please. Build homes. Build a casino.  Dump broken appliances. 465 acres isn't going to make a difference towards the widespread environmental destruction occurring all over the planet.

austerity101: Name_Omitted: "The area, [will be] placed in trust with the Bureau of Indian Affairs"

One part of our government is giving it to another, who will theoretically manage it in the tribe's best interest.

I mean, this is good news, but let's not make it something it isn't.  It's still land owned by the Federal government.

All land is owned by the federal government, isn't it? Or state governments? It's all ultimately under US jurisdiction--otherwise, it'd be a different country.

It's different than when land is owned in a non-tribal sense. Because the land is held in trust, that has traditionally reduced the willingness of banks to supply mortgages for improvements. In Navajo nation, for example, houses without indoor plumbing are common-without the capital from a mortgage, they can't afford it. I just learned about it a few months ago-it seems like a different kind of redlining.

austerity101: Name_Omitted: "The area, [will be] placed in trust with the Bureau of Indian Affairs"

One part of our government is giving it to another, who will theoretically manage it in the tribe's best interest.

I mean, this is good news, but let's not make it something it isn't.  It's still land owned by the Federal government.

All land is owned by the federal government, isn't it? Or state governments? It's all ultimately under US jurisdiction--otherwise, it'd be a different country.

You can own title to your house and land.  You probably don't own the subsurface rights, and there are probably covenants or restrictions limiting what you can do, but if you wanted to build a shed or demolish and replace your house, you could.

Indian Trust land is owned by Congress and managed by the BIA.  If a tribe wants to do something, they need to get approval from the BIA.

It stems from a historical belief that natives are naive savage children who must be protected and directed by a paternal (and theoretically benevolent) government.

Jake Havechek: Good. However the white man will figure out a way to take it away again, because that's how it's always worked.

I'll never forget that time I went on a tour of Alcatraz, and my mom was like "look at what those Indians did to this place..."

It's like, mom. It's a prison on a rock, ad you're STILL going to be racist over some vandalism?

ecmoRandomNumbers: Name_Omitted: "The area, [will be] placed in trust with the Bureau of Indian Affairs"

Yeah, that wording caught my attention, too.

All lands own by the different tribes are held in trust by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. They can skirt it by buying land under a corporation but then they are no longer tax exempt for state taxes.

Another post talks about the difficulty of getting mortgages since they don't indivdually own the land but if they did own the land how long would it have taken unscrupulous people from buying poorer tribes out?

Ken S.: ecmoRandomNumbers:
Another post talks about the difficulty of getting mortgages since they don't indivdually own the land but if they did own the land how long would it have taken unscrupulous people from buying poorer tribes out?

Or banks foreclosing on the aforementioned mortgages.

There are actually good reasons we got to where we are, but we need to better understand where we are when discussing land rights.

This is the same tribe that Pocahontas was from, no (no, not that Pocahontas...)? You would think they would have latched on to that claim to fame back when Disney was elevating the story to common knowledge with the movie.

I had always assumed most of the smaller east coast tribes were long gone before the USA even gained independence. Good on them getting their land back.

Jake Havechek: The Sioux will never get the Black Hills back though, because Mt. Rushmore is on that property.

Why would the Sioux get the Black Hills back instead of the other native peoples they violently pushes out of the area in the mid 1800s?

Meatsim1: Jake Havechek: The Sioux will never get the Black Hills back though, because Mt. Rushmore is on that property.

Why would the Sioux get the Black Hills back instead of the other native peoples they violently pushes out of the area in the mid 1800s?

Because the US treaty was with the Sioux

Meatsim1: Jake Havechek: The Sioux will never get the Black Hills back though, because Mt. Rushmore is on that property.

Why would the Sioux get the Black Hills back instead of the other native peoples they violently pushes out of the area in the mid 1800s?


I'm trying to find a reference to what you are referring.

Sexy Jesus: Here come the dozers and the casino plans.

You are also forgetting the liquor stores.

DVD: Meatsim1: Jake Havechek: The Sioux will never get the Black Hills back though, because Mt. Rushmore is on that property.

Why would the Sioux get the Black Hills back instead of the other native peoples they violently pushes out of the area in the mid 1800s?


I'm trying to find a reference to what you are referring.

Right here.

Meatsim1: Why would the Sioux get the Black Hills back instead of the other native peoples they violently pushes out of the area in the mid 1800s?

Because the Treaty of Laramie in 1868 recognized the Black Hills as part of the land to be protected by the Federal government for the Sioux.  The government then unilaterally and improperly changed the treaty.

The Sioux Nation of Indians won a lawsuit in the early 80s over this, and there is a billion dollars in an account earmarked as payment.  They have declined the payment so far, having never consented to sell the land in the first place.

BlazeTrailer: Meatsim1: Jake Havechek: The Sioux will never get the Black Hills back though, because Mt. Rushmore is on that property.

Why would the Sioux get the Black Hills back instead of the other native peoples they violently pushes out of the area in the mid 1800s?

Because the US treaty was with the Sioux

Thats a strong argument

Shaggy_C: This is the same tribe that Pocahontas was from, no (no, not that Pocahontas...)? You would think they would have latched on to that claim to fame back when Disney was elevating the story to common knowledge with the movie.

I had always assumed most of the smaller east coast tribes were long gone before the USA even gained independence. Good on them getting their land back.

Not at all. Remember one of the "intolerable acts" was ensuring natives retained land and the Declaration of Independence refers to "the merciless Indian Savages, whose known Rule of Warfare, is an undistinguished Destruction, of all Ages, Sexes and Conditions". Sure the British were using protection of natives in order to restrict expansion of the unruly American colonies, but the point remains.

There were also a number of native groups that paid a significant role in the revolution through the War of 1812.

thealgorerhythm: Good news, we are returning to you 465 vertical acres of cliff face

Please collect your cliff face by the date indicated.

Have the following documents available: driver's license, credit card (no Diner's Club), long and short form birth certificates, social security card, current bank statement, and proof of native heritage.

If you do not move your cliff face by the date indicated, all cliff faces remaining will default to ownership by the federal government.

ski9600: Do they get mineral rights?

They ensured no significant mineral/oil reserves existed under the land prior to giving it back.

The government should have just given it back, not sold it back.

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You son of a biatch! You moved the hazmat signs but youleft the INDUSTRIAL WASTE, didn't you? You left the INDUSTRIAL WASTE and you only moved the hazmat signs!YOU ONLY MOVED THE HAZMAT SIGNS!!WHY?! WHY??!!

Some Karen is shaitting bricks over this.

Jake Havechek: The Sioux will never get the Black Hills back though, because Mt. Rushmore is on that property. View Full Size

Stoker: Some Karen is shaitting bricks over this.

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ski9600: Do they get mineral rights?

Just looking at it, probably not much in the way of mineral wealth. Besides, it would be tearing up eagle habitat, which is sacred to the tribe. I don't think they'd want to exploit any kind of mining even if there was something there.

Meatsim1: Jake Havechek: Good. However the white man will figure out a way to take it away again, because that's how it's always worked.

Ha casual racism

how can it be racist if it's true?

/are you being sarcastic?
//I don't even know anymore

Summoner101: ski9600: Do they get mineral rights?

They ensured no significant mineral/oil reserves existed under the land prior to giving it back.

Looking at the area, if there was anything there to exploit it would have been before this was even a country. And it's not the kind of land where there'd be anything, anyway.

mrmopar5287: Jake Havechek: The Sioux will never get the Black Hills back though, because Mt. Rushmore is on that property.

[ image 850x446]

why do you hate Mt Rushmore?

thealgorerhythm: Good news, we are returning to you 465 vertical acres of cliff face View Full Size

I always lose interest when someone brings up "sacred" land. If your claims are based on mythology and superstition, I just can't care.

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