Divinity: Original Sin 2 has been updated with new ways to power up the party of Godwoken. This has included refurbishing weapons and new methods of acquiring items. This can lead to a lot of new and interesting combat builds. Even with many changes, some of the base game encounters are still among the most challenging content.

Near the end of Fort Joy, the Seekers and Godwoken will team up to steal the Magister Ship Lady Vengeance. This is the personal flagship of Dallis, and the injured Bishop Alexander sleeps in the hull. Dallis won't let the player slip away with both her vessel and boss, which can lead to one of the more difficult early quest encounters: Lady O War.

Prepping for the Encounter in Divinity: Original Sin 2

Sebille preps skill book for fight with Dallis Divinity Original Sin 2

The encounter with Dallis can be quite a shock if one isn't expecting it. There are no shops between Fort Joy's docks and the voyage aboard the Lady Vengeance. This means all shopping should be done before agreeing to depart Fort Joy, and hopefully, some merchants are still alive given the player's ability to rampage within urban districts. One should make sure their team is outfitted with good and diverse skill books, high-level equipment, and expendables such as potions and status affecting arrows. Buy and steal items from anyone left in the Fort Joy Ghetto, Seeker Encampment, and other locations.

The party will want to have strong damage attacks, preferably from a safe range, along with armor regeneration and healing that can target NPCs. Some good skills to aim for include:

  • Bouncing Shield (Warfare): toss your shield at up to two targets, damage based on the shield's defense
  • Crippling Blow (Warfare): slice up to two enemies in a sweeping motion, and may cause Cripple
  • First Aid (Huntsman): restore vitality and remove some status effects
  • Skyshot (Huntsman): leap in the air and deal damage along with any High Ground bonus
  • Adrenaline (Scoundrel): gain two AP now, but lose two on the next turn
  • Backlash (Scoundrel): jump behind an enemy and backstab them
  • Living on the Edge (Necromancer): for two turns the target cannot go below 1 vitality
  • Tentacle Lash (Polymorph): strike an enemy with physical damage and may prevent them from using their own skills (but not spells)
  • Heart of Steel (Polymorph): restore physical armor every turn
  • Spider Legs (Polymorph): sprout spider legs and create webbing that traps targets
  • Rallying Cry (Summoning): restore vitality and magic armor based around the amount of close by allies
  • Teleportation (Aerotheurge): move a target away, causes physical damage to them and other creatures they land on
  • Uncanny Evasion (Aerotheurge): target gains 90% evasion for a turn
  • Fortify (Geomancer): improve total physical armor and prevents teleporting
  • Fossil Strike (Geomancer): damage an area with earth damage and leave oil, causing Slow on targets that move in
  • Armor of Frost (Hydrosophist): improve total magical armor and remove some status effects
  • Restoration (Hydrosophist): restore vitality over a few turns and removes bleeding and poison
  • Healing Tears (Hydrosophist, Polymorph): surround oneself with healing magic that aids allies that approach. Avoid if using an undead like Fane
  • Corpse Explosion (Pyrokinetic, Necromancer): detonate a body and cause massive physical damage
  • Throw Explosive Trap (Pyrokinetic, Huntsman): toss out a trap that will easily explode from other fire damage
  • Fireball (Pyrokinetic): shoot out a sphere that explodes in a small area
  • Spontaneous Combustion (Pyrokinetic): causes enemies on fire to take heavy damage and douses the flame

Training the Party

Aim to get to level 10 or as close as possible. Extra EXP can be acquired by exploring all of Fort Joy, including hidden passages, caves, and waterways. Complete all remaining quests, even party related ones, or ones added through updates like the Four Relics of Rivellon. Kill every remaining enemy and NPC, even if business has concluded with them. This can include the undead merchant Zaleskar in Hollow Marshes from Ifan and Sebille's personal quest, Slane the Winter Dragon, the spectators at Fort Joy Arena, Griff, and his gang, neutral or deceived Magisters, NPCs introduced from Gift Bag updates, and more. One can also get an EXP jump by beating Dallis and Alexander while they interrogate Atusa at Fort Joy's entrance, though that fight becomes inaccessible after entering Hollow Marshes.

Additionally, rescue the Seeker Tarlene near the Armory Braccus Rex by destroying the posted Shrieker. She doesn't do much damage but can act as an extra distraction during the Lady Vengeance fight. Even with all the EXP, players may also want to respec at the Arena Mirror (if using Gift Bags) or inside the Lady Vengeance's lower deck to makes sure their attack values are high.

Lady O War Quest in Divinity: Original Sin 2

Red Prince uses Battering Ram on Gheist in Divinity Original Sin 2

Before agreeing with Malady to set sail to the next chapter, absolutely make sure you have reassembled your dedicated party. In the following cutscene Ifan, Loshe, Sebille, Red Prince, Beast, and Fane will perish if they are not currently recruited, as well most of the Seekers. Only Malady, Gareth, and Tarlene (if saved) will remain. The survivors will be up against two Gheist, two Weaponized Monk dogs, and three Silent Monks wielding bow, staff, and two-handed sword, respectively. Dallis and the Cloaked Figure will watch from the other ship. You have three ways to win: protect Malady until she finishes her warp spell, defeat all seven enemies, or Damage Dallis/Cloaked Figure until they retreat.

Save Malady

Malady will transport the entire ship to the Hall of Echoes after around four or so turns complete. This means this strategy can be completed by stalling, avoiding damage, and healing. Place buffs on Malady like Armor of Frost, Fortify, Uncanny Evasion, and Living on the Edge as needed. One will notice that several of the enemies lack certain armor, making them vulnerable to different status effects. The bow and staff Silent Monks can be hit with physical effects like Knock Down and Atrophy; the sword Silent Monk and Weaponized Monks can be hit with magic status like Sleep, Frozen, and Petrify. The Gheists have both armor types, but less physical than magical. They are also the most deadly of the targets, so distract them and keep them away from Malady.

Place down as many obstacles as you can like oil, ice, and webbing. Gareth will likely be doing the same, preferring to shoot weak ice attacks than wield his greatsword. Body blocking or using mass summons can also help prevent enemies from getting close. Be warned though, the Weaponized Monks have a jump ability that may allow them to bypass such hazards.

Defeat Silent Monks

The second option is to kill all of the enemies, which rewards a nice account Achievement/Trophy. Focus all efforts on offense damage, protecting Malady enough that she doesn't expire or finish her spell. As before, note that several of the enemies are missing an armor type, making them easier to kill if vitality is targeted directly.

Attacks that deal big damage, even if they are not safe, should be prioritized. Since so many of the Seekers just died, their bodies can be used for Corpse Explosion detonations. The Cloaked Figure also created tons of fire with their opening attacks, which can be spread further with the party's own Pyrokinetic magic. The ballistas mounted on the Lady Vengeance can be operated to fire harpoons for strong physical damage. Last, if one picked up Death Fog barrels earlier in the game, toss it on the living enemies to kill them instantly, though try to avoid Gareth and have near-suicidal AI. Death Fog does no damage to undead, including Fane and surprisingly Dallis and the Cloaked Figure as well.

Wound Dallis

The last option is to outright attack Dallis, who will drop her powerful Reckoning two-handed mace as a bonus. Players don't need to kill her, only wound enough that her vitality drops below 400 health. As noted above, she has undead status and cannot be one-shot with Death Fog. She is also very high on the starboard stern of the enemy ship, making it hard to even get her in line of sight.

One option is to quickly leap or teleport on to the stern mast and fire down arrows and magic at Dallis. Because melee characters are a tad useless in this strategy, it may be good to temporality respec to a ranged build just for the encounter. Rouge built characters can easily become archers, while warriors may be able to utilize some physical based magic like Necromancy. This route can leave Malady and Gareth as sitting ducks, so it is advised to have maximum damage output at the cost of defense. Consider using the Glass Cannon talent for more AP and abuse Fane's Time Warp Source ability to get a free turn.

Regardless if one goes for bunkered down protection, full assault, or single leader assassination, the battle for control of the Lady Vengeance will quickly conclude. Gather up any rewards, mourn defeated comrades, and prepare to land in Reaper's Coast for more adventures.

Next: Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Wayfarer Class Guide (Tips & Tricks)

Divinity Original Sin 2  is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and the Nintendo Switch.